In Berlin, it is compulsory to register your address with the Burgeramt (Citizens Office) within two weeks of moving in. In practice, it’s not always possible to register a residence that quickly. Partly because getting an appointment is not always so easy. For this reason, this law is not so strictly enforced.
Documents Needed For Anmeldung
- Personal identification or passport (For non-Europeans, use your passport to be on the safer side)
- Identification documents for children (if you are moving in with children)
- Anmeldungsformular – registration form (they are available at the Bürgeramt)
- Wohnungsgeberbestätigung (confirmation that you have moved in from the Landlord)
- Rental contract
- Marriage certificates (if applicable)
- Residency permit ( for non-EU citizens, except Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland)
Step By Step Guide
Step By Step Guide to registering an apartment in Berlin
- Gather Your Documents
Prepare all your documents. If you do not have all your documents yet, go ahead and book an appointment in advance.
- Book an appointment with the Bürgeramt
Book an appointment with the Bürgeramt online. You can register at any bürgeramt in Berlin regardless of where you live. Click on Termin berlinweit suchen(search entire berlin for an appointment) if you do not mind going across town.
You can also reach the Bürgeramt by calling toll-free number 115 to book an appointment.
Do not show up at the Bürgeramt without an appointment. Especially now because of Covid-19. - Show Up For Your Appointment.
On the day of the appointment, go to the Bürgeramt with the reservation code. You will get this code with when you book your appointment.
This is how you know it is your turn to see an officer. It is advisable to get to the Bürgeramt a few minutes before the appointment.
If for any reason you cannot make it to your appointment please cancel the appointment. - Keep Your Confirmation Document (Anmeldungsbestätigung)
Congratulations you have your Anmeldung. Keep the confirmation document. You will need it.
Frequently Asked Questions
You risk being fined 1000 Euros according to the law. In practice, this is not so enforced. You can get away with some delay.
Unfortunately, this is not possible anymore. Book an appointment online or by calling 115
Unfortunately no. The Bürgeramt needs proof that the landlord has consented to you moving in.
Yes, you do. This is called Ummeldung(re-registration). It’s is the same process as the Anmeldung.
Due to the pandemic, you cannot show up at the Bürgeramt without an appointment. Also as usual you are required to wear your mask to your appointment.
Yes, you can. In this case, the contract will be between the main tenant and yourself. The main tenant is also required to inform the landlady when they sublet.
Yes. It is illegal to live in Germany without anmeldung. Especially if you just moved to Germany. The city has to know you live here to trigger you getting your tax ID and other important documentation.
3 months. If you are on tourist visa or can enter Germany without a visa for 3 months, you do not need to register. You have to register if you decide to get a residency permit and stay longer.
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