
Finances & Taxes

Steuerpauschale: Flat Rate Tax Deductibles in Germany and How To Use Them.

You can use flat rates (steuerpauschale) to save time gathering receipts and some taxes....

Finding English Doctors and General Practitioners in Berlin: Tips and Non-Exhaustive List

There are lots of english speaking doctors and general practitioners in Berlin. How to...

The Best Health Insurance in Germany – A Comprehensive Guide for Expats

Expat's guide to the german healthcare system and insurance scheme. A deep dive into...

Free Schufa: How to get your credit report for free in Germany

Everyone is entitled to a free copy of their credit score and data with...

Fragebogen zur steuerlichen Erfassung in English – Understanding the German Tax Questionnaire form

Once you register with the Finanzamt as self employed, you will receive the Fragebogen...

Lohnsteuerbescheinigung: Understanding German Payslip (an english translation)

Understanding your German payslip. The German salary slip in english for non-german speakers.

German Tax ID And Tax Number: How To Get It, The Difference And How To Find It If You Lose It.

Getting a german tax id and number. The differences and how to retrieve your...